$105: please register, for adults with a serious interest in photography
Join Brayden Kowalczuk for a full-day workshop where we'll cover the fundamentals of large format photography, techniques for photographing strangers, and my approach to creating compelling images. This workshop is designed for artists of all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners.
Participants will have the opportunity to use an 8x10 large format camera and expose their own 8x10 negatives. Please note that the development of these negatives will be done after the fact. Brayden will be in touch with you after to arrange the pickup of your negative. You will also recieve a TIFF of the negative and an inverted Scan. A maximum of 8 spots will be available. The cost of this one-day workshop is $105.
Presented in conjunction with the Exposure Photography Festival
The Exposure Photography Festival is an annual showcase and celebration of photography across Alberta.