In this multimedia collaborative exhibit titled ex(POSE)d, Alice Asphyxia and Cyan Eyed blend their skills to create an immersive and interactive installation. Hyperfemininity and internet culture meet in this exhibit, resulting in themes of overexposure, vulnerability and body dysmorphia to emerge. The space is intended to allure the audience and entice them to participate in the piece by engaging with the environment.

Inspired by the bedroom of a feminine content creator, ex(POSE)d takes a normally private space and makes it public. Viewers are invited to “invade” the space, simultaneously exposing themselves.

Overexposure of people’s bodies and personal lives are normalized on online social platforms, creating an uncomfortable sense of vulnerability amidst the vibrant trending aesthetics. While embracing the power of hyperfemininity and joy of internet nostalgia, the piece simultaneously questions how online trends influence how people perceive themselves and others. 

Alice Asphyxia & Cyan Eyed

Alice Asphyxia

My work investigates themes of hyperfemininity and cute culture, as well as the relationship between the two.The cute and feminine have many parallels- qualities such as being small, helpless, naïve, delicate, and more. Though I am being critical in my work, I am simultaneously celebrating feminine expression. Hyperfemininity is the extreme version of femininity, by girly girls for girly girls. I believe there is power in hyperfemininity as it inclusively embraces girliness instead of demonizing it, and it exudes confidence and self-love. While perpetuating certain stereotypes may be problematic, women should still be free to express themselves however they choose. I use a pastel colour palette and delicate materials to depict feminine characters and scenes. However, the work is ambiguous upon closer inspection—though it appears soft and appealing from a distance, there are mixed feelings present of sadness, anger, violence and sexuality present as well.

Cyan Eyed

My body of work is a reflection of vulnerability, femininity and their connection to the challenges we face in today's digital era. My strongest forms of expression are through poetry, music and photography.

I'm the vocalist of "As Above", a collective of 5 members. We are dedicated to mental health awareness and often work within the community to support local organizations. As Above explores topics of introspection, hopelessness and heartache alongside haunting melodies and heavy distortion.

As a solo musician, I use a variety of synths, drum machines and keyboards alongside harmonious vocals. My goal is to invoke feelings of nostalgia inspired by the mid-nineties’ era and the dawn of online communication. 

As a photographer working primarily in a boudoir setting, I've had the opportunity to work alongside many women in their journey of self-love and healing. Helping others at their most vulnerable is essential to my work.