Explore multi-layered painting, mark-making and photo-transfer with October’s artist in residence, Jake Joy Mulyk. We will create miniature paintings on cotton paper. The focus is on experimenting and layering to create texture and drawing in abstract form. We will explore the world where landscape blurs into the abstract. This workshop is for all levels of artists, but geared towards introducing mixed media techniques including encaustic.
4hours. $60. Includes basic supplies: Pencil, markers, three 8x10 cotton sheets, acrylic medium + white, black, blue and yellow paint. Encaustic sampling.
Some extra supplies you could bring (optional):
· Extra cotton paper or a wood canvas
· Different markers, paint pens, oil sticks, oil pastels
· Brushes, calligraphy pens
· Laser copy or photocopied images you want to experiment with (ink jet do NOT work)
Please contact early to hold your place in the workshop. Sign-up via email: jakejoyartist@gmail.com Etransfer to the same email.
Please note that there is limited seating for this workshop and in Accordance with Alberta Health regulations and the City of Calgary Bylaw, we require one of the following to allow visitors aged 12+ into our space:
· Proof of Vaccination
· Documentation of a medical exemption
· Proof of a privately paid negative PCR or rapid test within 72 hours of service
We will also require that you wear a mask at the workshop.